Time-series data

What Time-series data is

Time-series data is a sequence of data points that are collected over a period of time. This type of data is often used to analyze trends over time to identify patterns and make predictions.

Steps for Time-series Data:

  1. Collect data: Gather the data points that need to be analyzed and stored in a time series database.
  2. Analyze data: Use statistical methods such as autocorrelation, seasonality, and lagging to identify patterns and trends in the data.
  3. Forecast data: Create models to predict future values of the time series data.
  4. Monitor data: Monitor the data over time to ensure that the models are performing as expected.
  5. Update data: Update the time series database as new data points are collected.


  1. Temperature readings over a period of time
  2. Stock market prices over a period of time
  3. Web traffic over a period of time
  4. Sales data over a period of time
  5. Electricity usage over a period of time
  6. Heart rate over a period of time
  7. Air quality readings over a period of time
  8. Rainfall data over a period of time
  9. Pollution levels over a period of time
  10. CPU utilization over a period of time