Principal components analysis of qualitative data,

What Principal components analysis of qualitative data, is

Principal components analysis of qualitative data is a statistical technique used to reduce the number of variables in a dataset by combining similar variables into a single variable. This technique is used to simplify a large dataset by reducing the number of variables and maintaining the important relationships between the variables.

Steps for Principal components analysis of qualitative data:

  1. Identify the variables that are related to each other.

  2. Calculate the correlation matrix among the variables.

  3. Determine the principal components using an eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition.

  4. Extract the principal components by rotating the axes of the principal components.

  5. Interpret the principal components by looking at the loadings of each variable on the principal components.

  6. Use the principal components in further analyses.


  1. Analyzing customer survey data to identify the most important elements that influence customer satisfaction.
  2. Examining the relationship between student performance and a variety of demographic and socioeconomic factors.
  3. Identifying key factors in determining the success of a product launch.
  4. Investigating the factors that influence a person’s decision to purchase a particular item.
  5. Understanding the underlying factors that drive employee engagement and satisfaction.

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