Minimax decision rule

What Minimax decision rule is

The Minimax decision rule is an optimization technique commonly used in decision-making and game theory. It is a method of finding the optimal solution in a certain situation by minimizing the maximum value of the losses. The Minimax decision rule is based on the idea that a decision-maker should minimize the maximum risk associated with any given decision.

The steps for the Minimax decision rule are as follows:

  1. Identify all possible outcomes and assign a value to each of them.
  2. Calculate the maximum risk associated with each outcome.
  3. Select the outcome with the lowest maximum risk.
  4. Implement the decision associated with the selected outcome.
  5. Monitor the results and modify the decision if necessary.


  1. Minimax decision rule is often used in game theory to calculate the optimal move a player should make in order to maximize their chances of winning.

  2. Minimax decision rule is also used in portfolio management to determine the best portfolio allocation of assets in order to minimize risk while still maximizing return.

  3. Additionally, the Minimax decision rule can be used in decision making problems in operations research to select the optimal decision from a set of alternatives which minimizes the maximum loss.

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