Mantel-cox test

What Mantel-cox test is

The Mantel-Cox Test is a statistical test used to determine whether two distance matrices are significantly different. It is a non-parametric test and is used to compare the similarity between two datasets. The two datasets can be of different types such as categorical or continuous.

Steps for performing the Mantel-Cox Test:

  1. Calculate the distance matrices for the two datasets.

  2. Compute the correlation coefficient between the two matrices.

  3. Determine the critical value of the correlation coefficient from the Mantel-Cox table.

  4. Compare the calculated correlation coefficient to the critical value.

  5. If the calculated coefficient is greater than the critical value, then the two matrices are significantly different.


  1. The Mantel-Cox test can be used to compare the similarity of two distance matrices when analyzing ecological data.
  2. The Mantel-Cox test can be used to assess the correlation between two distance matrices of genetic markers.
  3. The Mantel-Cox test can be used to evaluate the correlation between a distance matrix of geographical points and a matrix of environmental variables.
  4. The Mantel-Cox test can be used to assess the correlation between two matrices of samples from different populations.

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