Latent class cluster analysis

What Latent class cluster analysis is

Latent class cluster analysis is a type of clustering technique used to group a set of observations into classes or clusters based on underlying latent or hidden variables. It is used to identify patterns in data that may not be readily apparent when observed variables are considered individually. This technique is often used in market segmentation where it can help to identify groups of customers that share similar needs, wants, and behaviours.

Steps for Latent Class Cluster Analysis:

  1. Identify the observed variables that will be used in the analysis.
  2. Estimate the parameters of the model using maximum likelihood estimation.
  3. Identify the latent class clusters by examining the model parameters.
  4. Assign observations to the appropriate clusters based on the estimated parameters of the model.
  5. Validate the model by assessing the fit of the data to the model.
  6. Interpret the results and use the clusters to make decisions or predictions.


  1. Latent class cluster analysis can be used to identify consumer segments based on their purchasing behavior, such as which product categories they prefer and how often they purchase.

  2. Latent class cluster analysis can be used to identify clusters of individuals with similar health behaviors, such as smoking and drinking habits.

  3. Latent class cluster analysis can be used to identify clusters of students based on their educational needs and school performance.

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