Canonical root

What Canonical root is

In statistics, canonical root is a method used to reduce the dimensionality of a dataset. It works by transforming a set of variables into a new set of variables that are uncorrelated and have maximum variance. The new set of variables is called the canonical variables.

The steps for canonical root are as follows:

  1. Calculate the correlation matrix of the original dataset.

  2. Determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the correlation matrix.

  3. Select the eigenvectors with the highest eigenvalues as the canonical variables.

  4. Calculate the canonical correlations between the original variables and the canonical variables.

  5. Choose the canonical variables that are most strongly correlated with the original variables.

  6. Transform the original dataset into the new set of canonical variables.


  1. Canonical root analysis is used to identify the underlying structure of a set of variables. It can be used to identify latent factors that can explain the relationship between observed variables.

  2. Canonical root analysis is used to identify patterns among a set of variables that can explain the variability of a response variable.

  3. Canonical root analysis can be used to identify relationships between variables in a multivariate data set and to reduce a high dimensional data set to a smaller set of variables that capture the same information.

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